Gwaith yn dechrau: 23 Mai 2022
Gwaith yn dod i ben: Chwefror 2024
Beth sy’n digwydd? Gwella’r amddiffynfeydd arfordirol drwy fewnforio oddeutu 1 miliwn tunnell o dywod i’w osod o flaen y morglawdd presennol. Bydd hyn yn amddiffyn y morglawdd a’r eiddo a’r seilwaith y tu ôl iddo rhag bygythiad parhaus y môr a lefelau newid hinsawdd arferol.
Mae’r gwaith arfordirol hefyd yn cynnwys ymestyn nifer o ollyngfeydd i lawr i’r traeth is, ac addasu grwyn cerrig wrth Harbwr Rhos. Mae’r grwyn gorffenedig yn uwch ac yn ehangach ac mae braich newydd wedi ei hychwanegu i greu dyluniad cynffon pysgodyn.
Mae’r cynllun hefyd yn cynnwys gwelliannau i’r promenâd, gan ei ehangu i ddarparu mwy o le i gerddwyr a beicwyr ac uwchraddio’r celfi stryd a goleuadau. Rydym yn ychwanegu mannau chwarae a mannau hamdden, cysgodfannau, planwyr, celf gyhoeddus a lleoedd digwyddiadau.
A fydd y ffordd ar gau? Bydd – Yn ystod y gwaith adeiladu, caiff yr holl draffig ei ddargyfeirio i fyny a thros arglawdd Cayley.
Sut fydd hyn yn effeithio ar barcio? Ni fydd y mannau parcio yn y rhan hon o Bromenâd y Gorllewin ar gael yn ystod y gwaith, oherwydd bydd y ffordd wedi cau.
A all cerddwyr a beicwyr ddefnyddio’r promenâd o hyd? Bydd rhai rhannau o’r promenâd ar gau er mwyn caniatáu i’r gwaith adeiladu gael ei wneud yn ddiogel. Rydym wedi lleihau’r amhariad hwn cyn belled ag sy’n ddiogel, ac mae llwybr gwyro diogel wedi ei ddarparu.
Mae na lwybr diolgel i gerddwyr a beicwyr ar hyd gwaelod Arglawdd Cayley.
Beth sy’n digwydd gyda’r ciosgau? Mae’r ciosgau wedi ei ddymchwel ac rydym wedi gosod gwasanaethau yn barod ar gyfer ciosgau modern, newydd. Fodd bynnag, nid yw adeiladu’r cisogau newydd yn ein sgôp gwaith.
18 Mai 2022
Ger pier Bae Colwyn: danfoniadau yn dechrau cyrraedd y safle
23 Mai 2022
Promenâd y Gorllewin: ffordd ar gau o flaen arglawdd Cayley
Mai-Mehefin 2022
Y traeth i’r gorllewin o Bier Bae Colwyn: adeiladu’r bibell tywod – bydd rhannau o’r traeth ar gau i’r cyhoedd. Promenâd y Gorllewin: gosod y safle, gwaith yn dechrau ar y promenâd
Diwedd Mehefin / dechrau Gorffennaf 2022
Pier Bae Colwyn i Harbwr Rhos: dechrau mewnforio tywod i’r traeth – bydd rhannau o’r traeth ar gau i’r cyhoedd
Medi 2022
Gorffen mewnforio tywod i’r traeth
Chwefror 2024
Promenâd y Gorllewin: gwaith yn dod i ben
Pam fyddwch chi’n dechrau’r gwaith hwn yn yr haf? Mae rhesymau ymarferol ac amgylcheddol dros fewnforio tywod dros yr haf, fel bod angen môr tawel, ac osgoi tymor adar gaeafu.
Fe fydd y cynllun hwn yn cymryd o leiaf 12 mis i’w gwblhau, sy’n golygu y byddem yn gweithio trwy dymhorau’r haf .
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth a’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar gael ar:
Os bydd angen rhagor o wybodaeth am y prosiect arnoch, cysylltwch â Thîm Cyngor yr Amgylchedd, Ffyrdd a Chyfleusterau ar neu ffoniwch 01492 575337.
Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra a diolchwn i chi am eich amynedd wrth i ni wneud y gwaith hwn.
Annwyl Breswylydd/ Perchennog Busnes, Wrth i waith ar gynllun yr A4119 prysur ddirwyn i ben, rwy’n ysgrifennu atoch i ddweud ein bod ni’n paratoi i osod yr arwyneb tarmac terfynol ar hyd y ffordd newydd. Bydd y gwaith hwn yn golygu cau ffyrdd a chreu system gwrth-lif yn ystod y dyddiadau a’r amseroedd isod.
On Tuesday 19th April 2022, there will be a Traffic Management (TM) change at Forches Cross (A382/ Staplehill Road).
At the Forches Cross junction , Staplehill Hill Road will reopen to allow access to businesses and residential properties whilst the new link road that has been constructed will be closed to allow final surfacing and completion of kerbing and the footpath. 21st April – 8th May -Staplehill road to open from Plants Galore to Perry Cross.
The junction between the A382 and Staplehill Road (Plants Galore and other businesses will now remain open until completion of this project and road signage will be changed accordingly to direct traffic back on to the original route throughout this period. Staplehill Road, between Plants Galore and Perry Cross, will close again permanently w/c 9th May 2022 as the new footpath is constructed along that section of road.
Businesses will be open as usual to allow traffic and public access.
On Tuesday 3rd May 2022, there will be a Traffic Management (TM) change at Perry Cross (A382/ Staplehill Road).
The Perry Cross junction with Staplehill Road will close for two weeks to allow final surfacing on the new link road. This will remain closed for two weeks. There will be no access from the A382 (Forches Cross to Staplehill Road North of the New Link Road and a diversionary route will be in place. The new link road from the A382 to Plants Galore and other businesses on this estate will remain closed until the project completes.
Staplehill Road from A382 (Forches Cross) to Perry Cross will reopen to allow access to residential properties south of the new link road.
There will be resurfacing work at Staplehill Road/Perry Cross Junction starting 3rd May 2022 and will last approximately 3 days in duration. Access to residential properties in this area (South of the new link road) will be maintained at all times but please allow some delay for access at certain times.
Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst these works are being carried out.
Jan – Mar, Investigation and survey works for City Centre Schemes to inform design.
Apr/May, Vegetation clearance at Rudmore Roundabout to facilitate the main works. Investigation and survey works at Porsbridge Roundabout to inform design.
Upcoming TM – 9th – 13th May, overnight lane closures at Rudmore Rbt.
Week commencing 23rd May 2022 – 27th May 2022 1900hrs – 0600hrs
On Monday 23rd May – Friday 27th May 2022, there will be a Traffic Management (TM) change between Forces Cross to the Stover Park/Trago Mill Roundabout on the main A382 road.
The A382 will be closed between the hours of 1900hrs – 0600hrs to allow resurfacing and white lining for 5 nights.
Diversionary Traffic Management (TM) will be in place between these times and there will be no access from Forches Cross to Stover Park/Trago Roundabout (A382) in both directions within this time period.
Access to residential properties and businesses from Newton Abbot to Forches Cross and Staplehill Hill Road will still be available within these times.
Forches Cross road will become permanently closed (from Mid-June 2022) when the new Link Road is complete. Currently, it is only temporary closed as we excavate to install WPD (Western Power Distribution) Cable along this route.
When the installation of WPD Cable is complete, the road will be re-open again until the New Link Road is complete.
DCC are working out on the Permanent signs (Road Closed/New Road Layout ) and this will be ready before they officially close that section of the road & divert the traffic through the New Link Road.
Businesses are open as usual throughout this period and minor traffic interruption will be incurred during the diversions period.
Upcoming works, Night Closures and Diversions
· 3/5 – 31/5 Road Closure to Perry Cross for final surfacing work – Diversion to be in place.
· 23/5 – 27/5 Night Road Closure to A382 ( Between Forches Cross & Stover School – Diversion to be in place.
There will be a single night road closure on Monday 11th July and will be in place from 2000hrs until 0600hrs.
The following work will be carried out during this period:
• Plane out ex road surface at east and west ends of central reservation to install new kerb lines.
• Install road crossing near Creech Castle Business Park for Western Power cable to traffic signal controller.
This will be a full closure from the Hankridge roundabout to the Asda junction inbound and from the Wickes roundabout to the Hankridge roundabout outbound.
Updates will be posted regularly on Travel Somerset Twitter –
@travelsomerset and Facebook.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and thank you for your understanding and patience as we come into the final stages of this project.
On Thursday 16th and Friday 17th June 2022 final surfacing will commence at the junction of Perry Cross.
Although access to residential properties will be maintained throughout, there may be some delay or inconvenience as these works are being carried out.
As part of community engagement, we have noticed that BT Openreach have placed a sign at Forches Cross stating that the lane will be closed on Wednesday 15th June 2022 between the A382 and the Plants Galore business estate.
This work is separate from the A382/383 Link Phase Project and therefore we are unaware of diversionary works within this time period.
For more information please telephone their number displayed on signage displayed within Perry Lane 01884 763100.
Griffiths are pleased to announce that the A382/383 New Link Road Phase 1 is now complete and will be open to all traffic on Thursday (AM) 14th July 2022.
As part of the essential work to complete this scheme and allow the team full access to the road there will need to be night-time closures of Toneway for about six weeks from 25 July. Undertaking the work in the evening when the traffic levels are much lower will significantly reduce the impact of the finishing works.
The closures will be in place from 8pm until 6am weekday evenings only from 25 July to 31 August. The road will be open during the evening at weekends.
This will be a full closure from the Hankridge roundabout to the Asda junction inbound and from the Wickes roundabout to the Hankridge roundabout outbound.
There may be some occasions when a night-time road closure can be avoided, or the team can close the road later in the evening. Updates will be posted regularly on Travel Somerset Twitter – @travelsomerset and Facebook.
Oriel y prosiect
Cwrdd â’r Tîm
Rich Foxhall
Swyddog Cyswllt â’r Cyhoedd
Simon Parkinson
Rheolwr y Prosiect
Alun Lewis
Rheolwr Adeiladwaith
Phil Jones
Asiant y Safle
Cysylltwch â'r Safle
Rich Foxhall yw’n Swyddog Cyswllt â’r Cyhoedd am y prosiect, a’r person bydd yn delio ag unryw ymholiadau gan y cyhoedd tra’r ydym yn ymgymeryd y gwaith adeiladu.
Sut i gysylltu:
T: 0330 041 4638 *
*Codir cyfraddau galwadau cenedlaethol i’r rhif hwn a chânt eu cynnwys mewn cynlluniau munudau cynhwysol o linellau tir a ffonau symudol.
Os na bydd Rich yn gallu ateb eich galwad ar y pryd yna gadewch neges gan gynnwys eich enw a rhif ffôn er mwyn iddo gallu cysylltu gyda chi unwaith bydd iddo fod yn rhydd i wneud.
*Codir galwadau i’r rhif hwn ar gyfraddau galwadau cenedlaethol ac maent wedi’u cynnwys mewn cynlluniau munud cynhwysol o linellau tir a ffonau symudol