North Devon Link Road
About The Project
If your call is urgent and relating to an emergency or traffic management issue within the works area please call our Traffic Safety Control Officers (TSCO’s) who are 24/7 on site on Tel 07889 225393.
Griffiths have been appointed by Devon County Council to construct a series of improvements on the A361 North Devon Link Road (NDLR).

Griffiths will deliver the section of works on a 5 mile stretch between Landkey Junction and Filleigh Cutting, as shown in the image above. The project also includes junction improvements at Hacche Lane and Borners Bridge. The section of road widening between Portmore Roundabout and Landkey Junction has been removed from the contract due to unforeseen increases in inflation. The works comprise of several sections of road widening between Landkey Junction and Filleigh Cutting. The whole route will treated with a new asphalt surface and include wider three lane lengths. This will greatly improve overtaking opportunities, safety and network resilience.
The road capacity and four key junctions on the A361 will be upgraded at Borners Bridge, Hacche Lane, West Buckland and Landkey, where a three-arm roundabout will be created with capacity for a fourth arm to access the proposed Westacott Development. The project includes a pedestrian and cycle overbridge at Landkey Junction that will connect to the new development area.
The project will boost the local economy by supporting plans for 6,700 new homes in the region, making it easier for people to access job opportunities and for businesses to get around.
The project once completed will not only benefit regional travel, but it is also expected to increase cross-country connectivity by improving people’s ability to travel into and out of this area of North Devon.
Clearance work began early 2021 alongside the A361and early works included detailed design of the whole project. The works have recently concentrated on the substantial earthworks required to construct embankments and cuttings into the undulating topography. A large new drainage system is now being built accommodating updated requirements for climate change and attenuation features. Works has started on laying some of the road construction asphaltic layers. The main works are expected to be completed in Autumn 2024, with landscaping and the aftercare continuing for a number of years to ensure plants establish successfully.
Further information can be found here for the NDLR
Newsletter 19 – Autumn Winter 2024
Abnormal Loads Letter June 2021 – Diversion Route
Please subscribe to our mailing list
If you would like to receive regular updates regarding the North Devon Link Road, please join our mailing list HERE.
Your data is stored within GDPR rules and not shared with any third parties and used only in accordance with your chosen project(s) and only for the duration of those works.
Project Bulletins
Progress Videos
Traffic Updates
Previous Bulletins
Traffic Bulletin November 29th
Traffic Bulletin November 22nd
Traffic Bulletin Novemeber 15th
NDLR Traffic Management Plan 4th Oct 2024
NDLR Traffic Bulletin September 27th 2024
Traffic Bulletin September 18th
Traffic Bulletin September 9th
Traffic Bulletin July Right Turn 16 07 24
Traffic Bulletin June 7th 2024
Traffic Bulletin 28th May 2024
Traffic Bulletin 23rd April 2024
Traffic Bulletin 10th April 2024
Traffic Bulletin 25th March 2024
Traffic Bulletin 4th March 2024
Traffic Bulletin 19th February FAQ
Traffic Bulletin 8th February 2024
Traffic Bulletin 5th February 2024
Traffic Bulletin 29th January 2024
Traffic Bulletin 16th January 2024
Traffic Bulletin 11th July 2023
Traffic Bulletin 31st May 2023
Traffic Bulletin 28th March 2023
Traffic Bulletin 3rd March 2023
Traffic Bulletin 2nd February 2023
Traffic Bulletin – February 2023
Traffic Bulletin 7 – September 2022
Traffic Bulletin 6 – September 2022
Project Update
Abnormal Loads
Abnormal Loads and Escorting Procedure
Unless previously instructed by the Police Abnormal Loads Officer, abnormal loads exceeding 3.5m / 11’6’’ wide should follow the below procedure.
As from Saturday 22nd May 2021 until further notice the carriageway section of the North Devon Link Road A361 between Portmore roundabout, Barnstaple and North Aller Roundabout, Nr South Molton will be managed using narrow lanes 3.5M wide for east and westbound traffic.
It is therefore important that abnormal loads follow the below procedure so that they can be escorted safely through the relevant sections of narrow lanes safely by our Traffic Management Contractor ‘Forest’ and Traffic Safety Control Officer (TSCO).
Eastbound Loads
Abnormal Loads approaching Portmore Roundabout, Barnstaple from the west will see signage 800 yards prior to a layby instructing them to pull into the layby and contact the TSCO on Tel 07889 225393
Westbound Loads
Abnormal Loads approaching the North Aller Roundabout, Nr South Molton from the east will see signage immediately after the roundabout instructing them to pull in at the next layby 200 yards further on and contact the TSCO on Tel 07889 225393
The TSCO will arrange to meet the load and escort it through the narrow lane section at a time a diversionary route for oncoming traffic can be implemented outside of peak traffic hours.
Scheme drawings

Meet the Contractor
We are delighted to be working with Devon County Council to deliver the North Devon Link Road.
We are currently organising a Meet the Contractor Event to be held early in 2021.
The Event will help us engage with local suppliers and build capability and capacity in our supply chain across Devon and the South West of England.
To register your interest in attending our Meet the Contractor Event please sign up to our Supply Chain mailing list, which can be found HERE.
Alternatively use the QR code to locate this subscription page.
All new supply chain partners will need to hold Constructionline Silver and complete and return our Pre-qualification Questionnaire before any appointment to any Griffiths project.
Your data is stored within GDPR rules and not shared with any third parties and used only in accordance with the North Devon Link Roadworks and only for the duration of those works.
Contact the Site
If your call is urgent and relating to an emergency or traffic management issue within the works area please call our Traffic Safety Control Officers (TSCO’s) who are 24/7 on site on Tel 07889 225393.
Contact Details
E: NDLR@alungriffiths.co.uk
T: 01633 848 223
Why is this work necessary now?
The North Devon Link Road experiences large variations in reliability and congestion at peak times. It is perceived by many as an underperforming vital link to northern Devon. Improving the road now will improve reliability by improving overtaking opportunities, improve safety, better resilience and future proof junctions against further congestion during peak hours.
How much is the project costing?
The total value of the project is in the range of £70 million, which covers scheme development including land purchase, construction of the mainline works (overseen by Alun Griffiths) and additional junction works to the west of the mainline section. A breakdown of costs can be seen in the Full Business Case on the Devon County Council Website
When will work begin?
Work has now started although as the project is being completed in phases some areas may not be affected until later in the scheme build timetable.
How long will the works take?
Works will continue until 2024, though it will be phased across the length of the route to minimise disruption.
Who will be carrying out the work?
Griffiths have been appointed to design and build the scheme (to Devon County Council’s outline requirements) following a competitive procurement process.
How can I find out more about the scheme?
All documents relating to the scheme’s development can be found on the Devon County Council Website, whilst construction guidance can be found on the Griffiths NDLR website. North Devon Link Road – Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd Community . There is an opportunity to subscribe to receive future Newsletters and Traffic Bulletins via Mail Chimp by registering via this link – North Devon Link Road – Project Bulletins (mailchi.mp). GDPR regulations prohibit DCC transferring the data of previous subscribers to their bulletins, so interested parties are asked to re-register with Griffiths.
How will business and residents be kept informed of progress and traffic management?
The best way to stay up to date with scheme progress and any traffic management restrictions is via the Scheme Newsletter which you can sign up to Via this link – North Devon Link Road – Project Bulletins (mailchi.mp)
Note if you previously signed up to the Devon County Council newsletter during Scheme Development your contact details will not automatically be transferred to the construction newsletter due to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and you must sign up again using the link above.
How will lorries access the site?
All deliveries shall approach the site along existing public highways and enter the works area through designated access points located within the Traffic Management System. The main construction traffic and deliveries will be restricted to the main roads and will only be permitted to use a limited number of local minor roads.
Will there be any footpaths or cycle paths provided?
Pedestrian and cyclists will be able to cross the widened NDLR in 3 new locations: Between Landkey and Portmore Roundabout, at the new Landkey Roundabout and at the new West Buckland overbridge. The local road network with existing overbridges and underpasses will be maintained with some alterations to accommodate the widened A361.
How will access to existing properties and businesses be maintained?
As the works predominately comprise widening of the existing A361, there will be minimal effect on existing accesses. Initially, through communication and dialogue with affected parties and gaining an understanding of their requirements. Alternative temporary access and entry routes will then be created and maintained as needed for any property and business temporarily affected by the works.
Will there be much loss of vegetation as a consequence of the works?
To widen the A361 North Devon Link Road, existing vegetation will be removed where necessary to construct the road with extensive landscape planting upon completion of the construction works. There is a mitigation strategy and plans which have been approved by the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning application. The mitigation strategy includes a 10% biodiversity net gain which means the scheme will plant extra vegetation including woodland, hedgerow, scrub and culm grassland. Most of the mitigation planting will be on site along the North Devon Link Road but to meet the 10 % biodiversity net gain commitment, some planting will also take place off site (outside of the scheme extent).
How will the environment be protected?
The scheme was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment to demonstrate there will be no significant impact on the environment. One of the scheme objectives is to minimise adverse social and environmental impacts and, where possible, achieving net environmental benefits contributing towards those objectives. To minimise the impact on sensitive features and achieve high environmental design standards, both environmental and engineering constraints informed the design from the outset. This has included avoiding impacts as a first principle and where this is not possible, building mitigation into the proposals to reduce impacts. A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been developed to manage environmental impacts and avoid nuisance and pollution incidents during construction.
How will wildlife be protected?
An Environmental Clerk of Works and an Ecologist both employed by the scheme Contractor will oversee all environmental matters including the clearance of vegetation and wildlife protection as per wildlife legislation. A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been developed to manage environmental impacts to wildlife and avoid nuisance and pollution incidents during construction. To mitigate for the loss of vegetation and maintain existing wildlife corridors, vegetation will be planted along the scheme. Hedgerows and woodland strips were planted during the winter 2019-2020 prior to construction starting (known as advance planting) to provide habitat connectivity in the short to medium terms in particular for bats and dormice. During construction, cut vegetation will remain on site in the shape of hedgerows (dead hedging) to maintain essential habitat connectivity for dormice. Dormice, bird and bat boxes will be installed in areas of retained woodland to provide breeding opportunities. Bat tubes will be installed on the new bridge at West Buckland to increase bat roosting opportunities. The installation of otter and badger fencing at Duckslake Lane underbridge and badger fencing at May’s Leary underbridge will provide safe crossing points for these species.
What are the normal working hours on site?
07:30 – 17:30 Monday to Friday & 07:30 – 14:00 Saturday
Will there be any night works?
During the construction period there will be a need to carry out some works at night or over the weekend. These periods will be kept to a minimum but are unavoidable.
Will there be much disruption to traffic on the A361?
Throughout the construction period there will be some disruption to the flow of traffic along the A361 and this is unavoidable. However, efforts will be made to minimise any disruption. Traffic Management will be implemented to ensure the safety of the workforce and the travelling public. To minimise disruption, two traffic lanes of the A361 North Devon Link Road shall remain open to traffic throughout, one lane in both directions. However, there will be some periods when restrictions will need to be applied reducing the flow of traffic to one lane controlled by traffic signals and further full closures for short periods when traffic will be diverted away from the A361. Most road closures will be carried out at night, when there is less traffic, again to minimise disruption. In addition to closures on the main A361, there will be a number of short-term closures of sideroads including the C783 Blakes Hill Road at Landkey, sideroads at West Buckland and Borners Bridge. These closures will be facilitated by diversions.
What will the diversion routes be during the road closures?
There are a number of diversion routes that may be implemented should lengths of the A361 or sideroads need to be closed for short periods. Advanced notice to the general public of closures necessitating diversions for traffic shall be provided at least two weeks prior to the implementation of any such closure. Such notice shall take the form of driver information signs, email alerts to website subscribers, social media posts, press releases and notices displayed in local communities.
• When the A361 is closed between Portmore and Landkey, the diversion route will be via Eastern Avenue, Hollowtree Road, Landkey Road and Mount Sandford Road.
• When the A361 is closed between Landkey and North Aller Roundabout, the diversion route will be via Blakes Hill Road past Swimbridge and Filliegh.
• When the A361 is closed between North Aller Roundabout and Borners Bridge, the diversion route will be via the B3226, past Pathfields Business Park and Station Road.
What are you doing to mitigate the impact of traffic diversions on local residents and businesses?
Every effort will be taken to minimise the number of road closures and maintain two-way flow on the A361 that will reduce any adverse impact on local residents and businesses.
How are you going to stop vehicles cutting through unsuitable roads?
We will not be able to stop individuals from using alternate routes as they remain public highways. However, by managing the traffic as efficiently as possible most users will realise that the best route will continue to be the A361.
Will there be any changes to speed limits during and after the works?
There will be no change to the speed limit on the A361 at the end of the improvement works. The speed limit will remain at the National Speed Limit: 60mph for cars and motorcycles. Upon completion of the works, average speed cameras will be installed to improve compliance with the speed limit and improve road safety. However, there will be some temporary speed limit reductions through the work areas to improve the safety of the workforce and allow the travelling public to move through the restrictions more efficiently and safely.
Why is there a 40mph speed limit along the whole of the works area?
The 40mph speed limit has been implemented to protect the workforce and the public travelling through the construction works area. The reduced speed limit will remain for the duration of the works to provide continuity and allow enforcement by the police.
As the scheme is in early stages of construction, activity on site may appear minimal. However, as the scheme develops activity will increase resulting in greater movements of construction traffic. In summary the speed limit improves safety for the travelling public and the workforce through a construction site where there may be associated hazards such as vehicles accessing and egressing the works. A reduced speed limit will help recovery of vehicle breakdowns through the narrow lanes and improve the flow of traffic in the area.
What will happen to any Public Rights of Way during construction?
Existing Public Rights of way will be maintained for the majority of the construction period with only short periods of closure to allow necessary construction work. Footpaths at Landkey, Swimbridge and South Molton will be temporarily closed during the works.
How is the contractor mitigating noise, dust and mud on the road?
The Contractor shall deploy new and well serviced plant equipped with noise suppression fittings to undertake the works. All effort shall be taken to programme work activities that may create a noise and vibration disturbance during daylight hours. Noise levels shall be monitored on site to ensure compliance with contract and local authority limits. Adjacent properties and businesses shall be notified in advance of any works that may create a noise and vibration disturbance. A water sprinkler system shall be utilised to suppress any dust. The works shall be planned so as to prevent debris and surface run-off from running onto the adjacent public highway. Mobile Wheel Washing Systems and mechanical road sweepers shall be utilised to minimise any mud on the road.
*Calls to this number are charged at national call rates and included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles