As work approaches completion on the A4119 scheme, we are preparing to lay the final tarmac surfacing along the new carriageway. This operation will require road closures during the dates and times shown in the communication below:

Southern Link Road Phase 4 – Ketch to Powick Roundabouts
About The Project
Worcestershire County Council has appointed Griffiths to carry out the Southern Link Road Phase 4 (SLR4) improvement works.
Griffiths have previously built Phase 1 – Whittington Roundabout, 2010 – to Phase 3 – Ketch to Whittington – which is currently ongoing.
The Scheme
An artist’s interpretation of the completed works.
An additional two lanes are to be constructed to the South of the A4440 Temeside Way on a widened embankment with new parallel bridges at Powick Viaduct and Carrington Bridge for West-bound traffic. The existing road will become two lanes for East-bound traffic. This will significantly increase traffic capacity on the link between Worcester and the M5 to Malvern, Ledbury, Hereford and the West, reducing congestion and delays, and removing through-traffic from the city centre, residential areas and Worcester’s city centre bridge over the River Severn.
The Scheme compromises the following:
- Ketch Roundabout:
The Capacity will be increased by dualling the Western arm over the new Carrington Bridge for traffic from Worcester and the M5 heading West. A segregated left turn lane towards Malvern and Hereford onto a slip lane will be provided for traffic heading West on the A38 from Kempsey. Additionally, there will be improvements to queuing capacity for traffic on the approaches.
The uncontrolled crossing at the Ketch Roundabout will be removed and the existing informal underpass beneath the A4440 Temeside Way improved. This would maintain North-South access and links to the West along the embankment, whilst also enhancing cyclist and pedestrian access.
- Powick Roundabout:
Entry to Powick Roundabout from the East will be improved. The segregated left turn lane from Worcester towards Powick and Malvern on the A449 will be retained and there will be minor improvements to all arms of the roundabout. The existing pedestrian and cyclist crossing point on A4440 Hams Way will be replaced with a new cycle and footbridge over Hams Way.
- Hams Way Cycle and Footbridge:
This new cycle and footbridge will carry pedestrians and cyclists over the A4440 Hams Way to the West of Powick Roundabout. The structure will be a single-span tied bow arch bridge with truss members. The approach ramps will link to the existing cycle and footway network to the North and South of Powick Roundabout and at the North end, connect to the existing routes to the West and the improved cycle and footway along the Northern embankment.
- New Powick Viaduct:
A new structure will be constructed adjacent to the existing Powick Common Viaduct to carry two lanes of Westbound traffic. The construction form and materials will be similar to the existing structure.
- New Carrington Bridge:
The largest of the three proposed bridges, the structure is a three-span continuous beam bridge with a total length of 205m. The bridge will be located adjacent to the existing Carrington Bridge, but will have three spans rather than six to reduce work required over, and adjacent to, the River Severn.
- Ketch Roundabout Underpass:
The underpass for cyclists and pedestrians to the West of Ketch Roundabout will be integrated within the structure of the new Carrington Bridge, in order to avoid the requirement for a pier adjacent to the East bank of the River Severn. The Underpass and associated ramps would replace the existing at-grade crossing point adjacent to Carrington Bridge.
For up-to-date traffic management information, please see the Roadworks
Project Bulletins
Progress Videos
Traffic Updates
Scheme drawings
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