A55 Junction 18 Active Travel Scheme
About The Project
Griffiths has been appointed by the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NMWTRA) to deliver an Active Travel Route from the RSPB entrance on the A55 Junction roundabout for Llandudno Junction to the Junction Way roundabout on the A546 (Ffordd 6G Road). The project will improve pedestrian/cycling connectivity.
Work starts on Monday, 29th January 2024 with completion scheduled for Monday 11th April 2024.
The scheme involves:
- Widening of the footway between the western side of the A55 Junction18 roundabout and the A546 to form a Shared Use Path for 300m from the junction with the RSPB Conwy entrance to the existing signal controlled crossing north of Junction Way
- Installing a new signal-controlled crossing to the south of Junction Way across the A546
- Widening the footways south of Junction Way roundabout to improve pedestrian access to the supermarket and Llandudno Junction leisure centre
- Installation of new kerbs, tactile crossings and controlled crossings
- Provision of a segregated cycle lane across the A55 J.18 overbridge roundabout
- Installation of new signage
- Normal working hours will be 08:00 – 17:30 Monday to Friday
- Access to the supermarket, Leisure Centre and Llandudno Junction Leisure Park will be maintained throughout the project.
Please note that there will be a one way system in place between Tesco roundabout and the A55 roundabout in the direction of Tesco from the 11th of March for 2 weeks.
You can see a map of the one-way system by clicking here
We appreciate that this is a very busy stretch of roadway. However, in order for us to carry out the works safely and as quickly as we can, temporary traffic lights will have to be used to control traffic flow. These will be manually controlled during peak times.
Contact the Site
You can contact the project’s Public Liaison Officer, Rich Foxhall by emailing A55Cyffordd.Junction18.ATS@alungriffiths.co.uk or by calling 0330 041 2185*
*Calls to this number are charged at national call rates and included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles
If he is unable to answer please leave a message and he will return your call as soon as possible.
Contact the site
Traffic Wales Social Media channels and contact details
*Calls to this number are charged at national call rates and included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles